Sunday, August 22, 2010

the space between

Summer is a space between.
Hawaii was a compact space of sentimentality and splendid chaos.
But now I am back, and finally, I have found a week-long stretch of pure peace. It was an embodiment of space with nothing in it, a void, and I was free to fill it up with whatever I wanted.
I lost the days, mixing up my Mondays for Wednesdays, not caring at all about time. Alas, there is nowhere I must go, nothing I must do. I enjoy waking up to an empty dawn, watching back to back episodes of "What I Like About You" (a TV series I always wanted to watch when I was in high school, but never had the time), reading novels, eating cold noodles with students at Jiejie's shop, house cleaning, working out, eating take out kungpao chicken, and watching movies. In the meantime, my grad school apps are being filled, my essays are being written, my sanity somehow preserved. I can't imagine doing this without a space between as wide as the one I'm in now. :)

Life is good :)
"Run and tell the angels that everything's alright..."

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