Friday, October 30, 2009

party prep party

I spent the afternoon in Fuling with Kathy. Fuling DOES sell popcorn, thank God. We ate lunch at Dico's, a fast food joint I'd been trying my best to avoid, only because it's expensive... for a PCV, anyway. Ah, but the french fries were amazing. First fries I've eaten since June! I didn't think Fuling had any!

Unfortunately, one of the Mag7 got the (swine?) flu... but her slot was quickly filled by Luna.
The gang came over this evening with bags of veggies, meat and seasons. They pulled out my pots and pans, helped me hunt for knives and cutting boards (it was the first time my kitchen was being used!), and quickly got to work with making the jiaozi stuffing. Then they taught me how to fold the stuffing into the wrappers. We ate and ate and ate.

Then we had hot chocolate for desert - the dark chocolate Swiss Miss my parents sent me last week. It was a new experience for them. "We don't drink chocolate!" :)

I certainly had a good time. And now I am pooped.

The party is tomorrow!!! :)

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