Monday, September 6, 2010

semester 3, day 1: what i like about you

My first classes of my third semester here began today. From 2:30 to 6pm I put on my "I'm From Hawaii Show" for two different classes of very confused sophomores. Yessmams, this chick ain't Chinese.

I think this semester will be a good one. Today's students were a little shy but after my Haka dance they started to open up a bit. :P I'm a little worried about tomorrow's classes... in the morning I have another Oral English class, but in the afternoon I have two sections of Culture classes, each with 70+ students. I don't know why the department decided to double up our classes this semester! I am a little freaked out. I mean, CRAP that IS a LOT of students!!!!! :/

In other news, my obsession with "What I Like About You" is official. It's just so damn funny. And I get an extra kick out of it because my students say I look and act like Amanda Bynes. Of course I would only come up to her boobs, which are much bigger than mine, and she has the Cauc- to my Asian, but what the hell, I kind of do see a little of myself in her.

I was watching another episode while munching on my sweet and sour pork leftovers, and Val's sickeningly sweet engagement really got to me. I don't know why I'm all sentimental and stuff right now, but it probably has something to do with the fact that this is the longest I have ever not been in a relationship. It's a good thing, I guess, because I don't know how a relationship would be possible here anyway. But you would have thought that after all this time, I would be over that one fool who once drove me crazy enough to write poetry. I AM over him, because I definitely think he's poison to my happiness, but little things - like FB flirting with MY friends - still get to me. Why does he do it????? Why do I care???????

Ohhhhhhhh. China.


Victoria Neff said...

I can totally relate to this blog post !!! oh the single life in China - maybe we'll meet our future lovers in Laos?!?!

Kacie said...

OMG! haha
now im embarrassed. i thought nobody read this blog!! lol
OOOoooh Laos hotties here we come!!!