Friday, December 4, 2009

acting the American

I had an uncharacteristically good week. Not that my weeks usually suck, but I typically end the week with wanting nothing more than to be left alone.

This sugar high I've been on helped me get through the mad storm of extra-curricular activities (AIDS day, tutoring, a radio interview, office hours and TWO English corners). And it allowed me to play the American: to be stereotypically outgoing and shameless.

Perhaps I am guiltily trying to overcompensate for not looking like an American, but I also have enough of the narcissist in me that actually enjoys the attention. Don't get me wrong, I most certainly wouldn't enjoy this kind of attention in America... but in a land where I am anonymous, it is nice to be recognized as American. Or at least as different.

I wonder why I'm finding it important to be treated as important? Does my self-identity really depend so much on how others identify me?


Anonymous said...


Do you think you're measuring up against your own conceptions of what it means to be an American or the conceptions of everyone else?

Kacie said...

The duty of a Peace Corps Volunteer: Perform the American!

I think I'm trying to measure up to their conceptions of what it means to be American simply because it's expected of me. I want to shatter the myth, and I hate the idea of merely filling some pre-determined role, but I don't want to be a disappointment to them. WHY??? Because they will look at me in a way that will make me feel... guilty. If I were less vain I'm sure I'd be less eager to please. =P