Thursday, October 14, 2010

finally accessed!

Finally back on this!
For the longest time I couldn't get my blog to load. :(

So much has happened!
Went to Xi'an, got swept up in a sea of people, and discovered within myself a great fascination with ancient Chinese history. Will have to write more on that later!

Also, shoooooot, I REALLY like Xie.
We just click. Usually when I'm in the beginning stages of a relationship with someone I can pick out the things that should hold me back... but he comes so close to perfect. The only imperfection is not his fault at all.. it's that we come from two different worlds. What's going to happen next year? I don't even want to think about it!

Friday, September 24, 2010

xiexie, xie

My first date with Xie Haoxin just ended.
It went well, I think, aside from the fact that I had to seriously work to understand what he was saying. I hope I didn't bore him by forcing him to talk in simple Chinese.

I 'm definitely a little uneasy. First of all, as I've already implied, he doesn't speak English. Secondly, he's a freakin student. Yeah, I know, this could be very wrong. I've been trying to justify it - he's not MY student, he's not even in my department, he's only one year younger, this town is made up of students (who else am I going to date? the teachers are way older than me!), he's mature, he understands my concern.....he bought me sushi...

Thirdly, I have less than a year left, and most of my time is on reserve for MY students...

But he's cute. And patient with me and my crappy Chinese. And it's just been so damn long since I've felt this way about anybody....

Monday, September 20, 2010

"Where Boys Are Prized, Girls Live the Part"

Excellent, interesting article about the liberation of being who you are not.

Redefining gender in some parts of the world is more than a political statement - it can be an economic necessity.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


The women's group was a success!!
The pioneers: Zinna, Emily, Alice, Angel, Jenny, Tiny, Sophie, Lily, Tracy and yours truly.

We began with dinner - food always helps break the tension. By the time these girls licked their plates clean, they were buds.

We then defined a "pioneer" as someone who paves paths for others to follow. We talked about risk-taking, and how all of them are taking a risk to "kaoyan" or take the grad school entrance exams. They gave up their teaching internships to do this, and are very nervous, but now at least we'll be able to be there for and support each other.

We also talked about my personal fav, Jane Addams, who rose from being a sickly child to founding one of, if not THE, first settlement houses in the US, and then who sacrificed the reputation she built to speak out for world peace, at a time when not supporting the US cause in WWI was considered anti-American.

The discussions ended up being really interesting, with everyone contributing ideas and sharing personal experiences. I didn't think they would be willing to be so open with everyone, and I am just hoping I will be as willing as they are to bare my soul.

I think because I spent the entire day cleaning every nook and cranny of my apartment, I was exhausted by the time they left. But still, it was the best kind of exhaustion - the time you can take with you to bed. =)

Monday, September 13, 2010


I am addicted to dental floss.
Something just feels amiss in my mouth if I don't dig out the day's grinds.
I never used to floss before I got two cavities filled here (which was not as bad as I had feared). But now I do it every night. Yes, I AM proud of myself for picking up a good habit for once in my life.

I'm also trying not to chew gum. But I crave it. I CRAVE it! Yet my irrational fear of any dentist who is not my uncle is enough to make me quit.

It's funny, the things fear can make you do...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

florida to egypt to oh sh*t

I just saw this really interesting blurb on a podcast from one of the major news organizations about the role of the media in the whole Quran burning incident. By covering that idiot Florida pastor's incendiary claims, did the media turn him into a celebrity, and contribute to pissing off Muslims in the Middle East, ultimately putting US troops in danger? Will shout outs from Petraeus and Obama and financial donations from other idiot fanatics inspire copycats?

According to this news station, this pastor had already gathered quite a following on Facebook, attracting an Egyptian newspaper's attention, immediately inciting protests. It was only then that the big American news organizations picked the story up. According to them, they simply couldn't ignore a story like this. To NOT cover the protests and the risk US soldiers are now in, and to fail to trace it back to the man who started it out would be simply irresponsible. hmmm...... There's a spectacle, then it's covered, causing another spectacle, then it's covered, causing yet another spectacle.....

Friday, September 10, 2010

Teachers' Day

It's Teachers' Day in the PRC!
I wish we had a holiday like that back in the states. I just love it when students take the time to actually think about all that goes into making a class happen. =) I swear, if I ever make it back to grad school, I'm going to lavish my profs with gratitude. Brown-noser, I know =P

In a lil bit KT and I are going to celebrate the holiday AND our first week of school with Luna & Co. at the tang guo restaurant. A few weeks ago I bumped into that waitress with the permanent scowl. "Ayi, ni hao!" I said, and what did I get back in return? A scowl. And a look that seemed to ask, "why the hell are you calling me Ayi?" Haha but I still love her if only because of the delicious food she serves.

Other news: Tyler might come to visit! I am hope hope hope that he'll be able to make it. He's my only hope--- the only one from home who seriously wants to check out China. To be able to take him around and show him my community would be SUCH a cool thing!